Wearing strappy jelly sandals which are comfortable

When I think about the 1990s, some things that stand out in my mind include the proliferation of Saturday morning cartoons, breakfast cereals modeled after desserts, and strappy jelly sandals.

Your rose-colored glasses of nostalgia which are caused you to forget one thing about wearing comfortable jelly sandals, despite all the pleasure you had doing it: how awful they actually were, how uncomfortable they still are, and how uncomfortable they will always be.

It is hard to fathom how a shoe that was designed with children in mind could possibly be so uncomfortable for them. However, in my opinion, jelly shoes are not the type of footwear that should be worn by children. To tell you the truth, I am not even sure if they’re comfortable for people to wear their feet in.

Now that summer has arrived, you probably cannot wait to kick off your shoes and wiggle your toes while showing off your freshly manicured feet.

It is possible that you have already placed an order for a pair of jelly shoes in preparation for your trip to the beach. After all, what other kind of shoe could possibly be more appropriate for summertime paddling in the ocean?

While you were a kid, you probably thought you were unstoppable when you were in your jellies. You could travel over any terrain, run around with ease, and even get them wet while still maintaining your status as the trendiest kid on the block while doing so.

Additionally, jelly sandals were simple to clean. If you were to obtain a bucket of seawater and dump it over your feet, or get the garden hose and shower your shoes down with it, they would become dazzling once more in a very short amount of time.

It appeared as though they were the ideal pair of sandals. That is until you put them on and discovered how uncomfortable they were.

Nobody warned you that you would have to wear your jelly shoes in gradually at first. When you removed your jellies after loudly complaining, only to find that your feet had been scraped red raw, I think even your mother was astonished. Heck, I bet even your dad was surprised.

Because let’s face it, you were going about wearing inflexible plastic and attempting to pass it off as true footwear, it didn’t take long for these sparkly shoes to destroy your soles.

In fact, your foot flesh would seep through the perforations in the jellies, causing sore stripes to appear on your feet as you removed your sandals of doom.

The heel strap caused uncontrollable rubbing, and the buckle was a living torment. Do not even get me started on the buckle.

The ultimate example of a wolf in sheep’s clothes, jelly sandals were the fashion world’s ultimate wolf in sheep’s clothing: they appeared to be so attractive and inviting, but as soon as you stepped foot in them, they turned against you.

When you were, seven years old and you looked around and saw your best friends laughing and playing jump rope in their shiny canvas sandals, while you had to apply bandages on your blisters, life felt terribly unjust.

Having said that, there was a trick that you might or might not have picked up when you were younger, and you might not have picked up on it even now if you were never exposed to it. Another gear, such as socks, could help you gain control over these powerful kicks.

Even though the idea of wearing socks with sandals might make you want to scrunch up your nose in disgust, you might be shocked to find out that some people are really making it look fashionable to wear socks with sandals. Rihanna even busted the purported fashion faux pas by wearing socks with sandals at the same time.

You might not be able to go rock pooling in a pair of socks and jelly sandals unless you don’t mind getting your feet wet, but the level of comfort that you’ll achieve by donning a pair of socks will probably more than make up for the inconveniences that you’ll face as a result of doing so.

In addition, there are many cool socks available, so you will not be short on options when it comes to combining and matching them with your sandals.

You could, of course, throw caution to the wind and walk around barefoot in your jellies if you really wanted to. However, you should be aware that the adverse effects might not be pleasant.

It does not matter whether you choose to show off your jelly sandals with or without a protective barrier; the important thing is that you have a good time and let out your inner child.Because if you can’t go puddle jumping while you are rocking your jelly sandals, when can you do it?

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